EMDR Intensives

  • EMDR Intensives are a purposeful format for EMDR trauma processing that combine several individual sessions into one. Intensives are typically 3 hours long, where trauma work is highly focused, to provide you with intentional time and space to thoroughly heal in a safe way without interruption.

    For successful Intensives, a prior Preparation session(s)* is required, and an Integration session** is strongly encouraged. This is to assure safety, containment, and to best honor the work you do.

    *A Preparation session(s) is to create a customized treatment plan based on your goals and identified trauma, complete assessments, and to create resources for a smooth and safe experience.

    **An Integration session(s) is to enhance what you learned in the process, and determine further steps if needed.

    Number of Preparation & Integration sessions needed may vary per person, and will collaboratively be decided between us. These can be individually scheduled at my standard session rate.

  • This alternative option may be helpful for individuals who:

    • Have busy lives and/or limited time for weekly therapy

    • Have awareness of their emotions & body sensations when thinking about something stressful or traumatic

    • Feel “stuck” at a point in traditional talk therapy

    • Are overall stable in their lives, and are well-resourced, but have one specific area in which they feel stuck.

    *** Intensives aren’t a suitable option for everyone. We must respect all parts of you, especially the parts of you that may not feel ready to process the identified trauma. Appropriate screening and a collaborative discussion will help us decide together what the best option may be for you. ***

  • Each experience is highly personalized based upon your needs, but generally includes:

    • A free consultation call to determine if Intensives are the best option for you

    • A comfortable, safe environment to engage in the work.

    • Tea, water, snacks, and time for breaks to support you during the session.

    • As appropriate, incorporated somatic exercises, EMDR resourcing, and IFS or “parts work” to enhance your experience.

  • Half day (3 hours) is $600

    • Includes EMDR Processing as well as scheduled breaks for grounding, water/tea/snacks and resourcing.

    Full day (6 hours) is $1,250

    • Includes EMDR Processing as well as scheduled breaks for grounding, water/tea/snacks and resourcing.

  • Contact me by clicking the “Book Now” button at the top of this screen, or my email address is listed at the bottom of this screen as well. I look forward to hearing from you!