Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy
IFS, sometimes referred to as “parts work” or “inner child work”, can help you build a compassionate relationship with all the parts of you, and offer each of them the healing they’ve been longing for.
Internal Family Systems (IFS) sounds like it’s a family therapy, but it’s actually for individuals - working with the internal family of parts within you. IFS embraces the natural multiplicity of the mind - meaning, we don’t always present in the same way all the time. Everyone has parts. We might have different parts of ourselves stepping forward depending on how we’re feeling, who we’re around, or the environment we’re in. The intention of our parts is always to seek safety or soothing, and to avoid danger or discomfort, even if it’s hard to see that at first. Some common parts that people bring into therapy might be anxiety, perfectionism, disordered eating, self-criticism, anger, impulsive behaviors, and much more.
In the IFS model, we spend time getting to know protector parts (links to blog posts below) and the stories they hold from a place of Self energy, rather than judgement, shaming, or minimizing. With protector parts’ permission, it’s possible to heal what they’re protecting inside of you.
8 C’s of Self Energy
Clarity • Compassion • Calm • Curiosity • Connectedness • Courage • Creativity • Confidence
IFS is a non-pathologizing and non-shaming, psychospiritual way of getting to know the parts that make up who and how we are in the world, and building relationship with them so they don’t feel like they have to take over all the time to protect us.
I feel particularly passionate about IFS, as I’ve seen it help so many people finally experience self-compassion from an authentic place, as well as experiencing the benefits of it within myself. Dr. Richard Schwartz says “It’s all parallel - how we relate in the inner world will be how we relate in the outer”; when we can really see our own parts, we start to see the parts in others and the world around us. It’s a paradigm shift that we as individuals, and as a collective, can benefit from and better our world.
IFS is an evidenced-based model of treatment for many things, including anxiety, panic, trauma, depression, and overall well-being. Working with an IFS therapist can help get to know all of the wonders within you.
More information can be found through the Internal Family Systems Institute, here:
“When you get curious about a part, you naturally gain clarity regarding what it’s all about, which typically results in a newfound compassion for all it’s been through and is trying to do.”
-Dr. Richard Schwartz, “No Bad Parts”
Individual therapy | Trauma | Anxiety | Specialty in sexual trauma | Body Image | IFS | EMDR | Somatic
Therapy services for Colorado, Missouri, & Kansas residents
Fort Collins | Denver | Kansas City
Blog: IFS & Self-Like Parts
Self-like parts are protector parts in a system that may have Self-like qualities.
Blog: IFS & Consent
“Being able to say no makes yes a choice.” —adrienne maree brown
Blog: The Inner Critic: a Systemic Mimic
“For survival, we mimic what is valued and exile what is devalued”. -Susan McConnell, IFS Therapist