Services for Clinicians

  • Supervision

    One of the things I love most about our field is the priority of ongoing learning. I’m happy to provide supervision to provisionally licensed therapists (LPCC’s) in Colorado. Take a look around my site to read about my focus, training, & experience to see if it feels like the right fit.

    Colorado Counseling Association LPC Supervision Training: November 2021

    Individual Supervision for LPCC’s: $160/hour

  • Consultation

    I love connecting with other therapists and providing consultation on several topics, including private practice building, working with trauma, sexual trauma & abuse dynamics, Youth with Problematic Sexual Behaviors (YPSB), IFS/Parts Work, and body image struggles from a systemic, anti-oppression lens.

    Consultation for Clinicians: $160/hour

  • Clinician Resources

    Resources and recommendations for professional direction guidance, therapy practice building, niche clarification, and inclusive, social justice-oriented practices

Individual therapy | Trauma | Anxiety | Specialty in sexual trauma | Body Image | IFS | EMDR

Therapy services for Colorado, Missouri, & Kansas residents

Fort Collins | Denver | Kansas City